Donald J. Miller

Engineer, Cyclist, Caver

Photo Gallery Title

My 2009 Custom Co-motion Americano Copilot Touring Bike

My Co-motion Americano Copilot

The Going-to-the-sun road near Birdwoman falls

 Going to the Sun road

Five gallons of what will be home-brew steam ale in about 4 weeks:

Steam Ale 

My newest toy is my Extra-Large "Big Green Egg":

Big Green Egg










Photo Gallery

In December of 2008, I took delivery of a brand-new custom Co-Motion touring bike, which was the replacement for my retiring 20 year old Cannondale ST600.

One of my favorite places to ride is in Glacier National Park in Montana (and then northward into Canada up the Icefields parkway!).  Pictured is a section of the "Going to the Sun" road in Glacier National Park.

Pictured is my 2nd ever full-grain beer batch (I had been doing extract brews for quite a while).  With extract brewing, you can get your wort into the fermentor in a couple of hours.  The full-grain process takes most of the day.

I attended the "Eggtoberfest" at the Big Green Egg Corporation's headquarters in Tucker, GA. recently.  This is a huge event (limited to 2000 guests) where BGE enthusiasts cook on factory-fresh BGEs and everyone is able to sample their work.  At the end of the day, the day-old BGEs are available at a substantial discount for purchase.  I opted for an "XL".